In the past, we controlled the machines by inputting human-energy. 
But now, with the involvement of automation, our manipulation of them is gradually becoming an abstract  and insignificant element for the integrity of the machinery, more like a pure icon.
Machines and objects are constantly becoming more and more differentiated nowadays, seems to an infinite extent, while our corresponding manipulation behaviors and knowledge are reduced to a seemingly infinite extent as well. It constructs a superficial representation of the uniformity and continuity of our world. We are taken care of by countless opaque black boxes, which is one side of the automation fraud.
On the other side, being automatic also means the prefect status of function , which would kill the possibilities of following-up and broader developments of itself as well. This kind of “prefect” is a fraud, and purely formalized. It only satisfies the human nature which is full of inertia but still desires goodness.
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