Chairs is a series of photographs based on my understanding of losing self-identity in the flow of alienated culture shock. In unurbanized rural China, chairs beside the roads mean a lot in cultural content, not only representing a customary habit that the local likes to chat on the side of the road, but also a kind of oriental quaint and homely atmosphere of the tradition.​​​​​​​
Although my hometown continuously faded away from my actual life, the chairs in my memory remained vivid, and the characteristic of their owner stained on them conveys an indelible human touch. So, whenever chairs appear on the roadside, the conflict between reality and my memory always strengthens the cultural impact brought by the new environment and the sense of alienation from the people around me, my deep feeling of nostalgia grows, transcending the language and becomes a pure and profound subjective feeling. When I knew that I might never return to that place, I realized that it might be something that comes with my identity and could never get rid of.

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