Hi,I’m an elevator. Don’t be freaking out, you must admit that this world has so many occult things that nobody can even explain, so I do think it’s quite rational that I can talk to you guys in this way.
You asking me about my job? How naughty you are, don't you forget that I'm an elevator,constantly carrying people up and down, while I have to say, this gives me the chance to see countless stories, maybe much more than you ever know, you don’t believe it? Let me tell you some.
I can tell you the story about the elderly couple lived on 2ed floor, who always went on a walk twice a day on 8am and 4pm, and it's funny that the old man always twisted the sweater button wrong, I really hope that you can see it.
I can also tell you the story about a single mom lived on the 5th floor. Oh, her little daughter is such a cherubic baby, always say 'Hello, Mr. elevator' to me just like she can perceive my existence. Unlike the little monster lived on 6th floor, who always tried to press all the buttons inside of me.
Oh sure, the story about the repairman is also interesting, that sly fat little man come to fix me almost every week, just stopping me in the middle of two floors and have a nap, enjoying his own world, I just knew that he never fully tightens the little and inconsequential screws.
And here comes the story that I want to share with you the most. That was a bright morning when I first met Emily, in a white gossamer skirt. She hired two men helping her carrying all her luggage onto the 4th floor. She has a good smell, maybe some kind of flower but I can’t tell. She looks extremely attractive when she smiles. She worked as a nurse, sometimes she gets too exhausted to take off her name brand, from which I accidentally noticed her lovely name, just so perfect on her, E-M-I-L-Y, Emily.
But two months ago, something strange happened. Every time she came back home late at night, there always been a man in black following after her, who I never seen before. I don’t know where he comes from. So I tried many ways to inform her, closing the door in a low speed, making some unpleasant noises, while each time she was just too exhausted to notice. As time passed by, the man became bolder and bolder, several times, he even waited outside of me to check which floor did Emily live. How dare of him! So, every time I carried Emily, I would climb 2 floors higher on purpose, I don't like that little monster anyway. One times, two times, three times… One day, he eventually gets inside of me, sending the evil man to the wrong floor makes me feel very happy. The man never appeared ever since, I think I did the right thing.
Yesterday, a bright morning just like the one I met Emily for the first time. She hired two men helping her carrying all her luggage down to the ground floor. She was in the same white gossamer skirt, which still suits her very much. She smiled to herself in the mirror inside of me for the one last time, also to me, which makes me very happy. We slowly arrived the ground floor. I whispered,
” Goodbye Emily~”,
 of course she didn’t notice.
oh it’s already 8 o’clock, time to pick up that old couples...
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